Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hypocrite Alert!!

While further investigating Sarah Palin's comments on the evils of socialized medicine I ran across an article that looks into the fact that Palin's grandson Tripp is covered by a government-paid health care plan. As a descendant of the Yup'ik Eskimo people, Tripp is eligible to be included in the Indian Health Service, which pays for health care with government dollars. The article goes on to ask questions about Sarah Palin's hypocritical actions when it comes to health care reform. If Palin truly believes that socialized medicine is "evil," why does she allow her grandson to be covered by a plan that would be similar to what all Americans could be included in if health care reform were passed? Palin certainly has enough money to pay for health insurance for her grandson, but she is willing to let him use government paid health care.

If I strongly opposed socialized medicine, and had the financial resources of someone like Sarah Palin, there is no way that I would allow someone in my family to rely on a health care plan like the Indian Health Service. It would go against everything I believed in. Learning this information has only increased my frustration with the fact that Sarah Palin is such a strong opponent of changing health care. She not only benefited from socialized medicine in Canada when she was young, but her own family takes advantage of tribal health benefits. Something smells fishy here. Either Palin isn't as opposed to government-run health insurance as she says she is, or she really doesn't care too much about keeping her family members from the "evils" of socialized medicine.

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