Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hadley sends a mixed message on hospital issue

I have been doing some research on the new physician-owned hospital that has been proposed to be built near Yanney Park. One of the interesting aspects of the issue to me was the opinion that State Senator Galen Hadley of Kearney has given on the issue. While Hadley claims on his website that he is neither supporting or opposing the bill at this time, his actions show otherwise. In the Kearney Hub article Hospital moratorium bill hearing set for Wednesday in Lincoln, it is mentioned that although he did not introduce the bill, Hadley played a role in drawing up the legislation.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think I would spend my time contributing to a bill that I wasn't supporting. Hadley is trying to avoid taking a stand on the issue when he has already clearly done so. It is also necessary to mention that Hadley is a former member of the Good Samaritan Board of Directors. He was also appointed to the Catholic Health Initiatives Nebraska panel, but resigned after people tuned into the fact that he was biased due to his affiliation with them. You can resign from all of the panels you want, but the fact remains that your affiliation with a group does not end simply because you are no longer formally attached to it.

Hadley has a major history with Good Samaritan Hospital, and it appears to be a positive one. If Hadley is on the side of Good Samaritan than he is on the side that supports LB999. I think that most Nebraskans would find it much more respectable if Hadley would come out and voice his support for the bill instead of pretending to be impartial. Honesty is a good quality, and one that is rarely found in politicians. If Hadley had the guts to stand up for what he believes in than he wouldn't have to mislead the public in an effort to calm both sides of the hospital debate.


  1. You are right on the mark with your commentary about Sen. Hadley, but to add to your comments, isn't this really a matter of BIG BUSINESS throwing their money, resources and connections at trying to kill the competition. Sen. Hadley and Campbell can hind behind their veil of what's in the best interest of the healthcare system of Nebraska, but in reality aren't they just a mouth piece for CHI? I know this sort of thing happens all the time in politics and big business, but I think people need to ask themselves what if you had a dream for a business you wanted to start and you were simply legislated out of being able to start that business. I don't know about you, but that's not the America I signed up for.

    CHI and Good Sam operate as a Non-Profit Organization, but the only true fact to that is because the corporation does not make a profit, but the management does. If the community were to realize the amount of money that leaves their town to CHI, it might shed some light as to how devoted they truly are to giving back to the community. There is no doubt that Good Sam does great things for the community, but as you say, quit misleading the people.

    Obviously there are 40 doctors in Kearney that are fed up with how CHI\Good Sam treat them, the community in general with the services they provide. Me personally, if I'm going to work in that sort of position at that level with any company, I'd want some input as to how that company operates and provides services for my community. The fact of the matter is that CHI is the BULLY trying to force their will on the doctors and what level of service they intend to provide. The doctors have tried for 10 years to work things out with Good Sam but have finally said enough! And I for one stand beside them.

  2. Got a bit of reaction to this one. Sounds like you are on a good topic!
