Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nebraska's weather isn't so bad

Sometimes I think about how much I hate living in Nebraska, but then something happens that makes me realize that it may not be all bad. Yesterday as I watched all of the coverage on CNN about the earthquake in Chile and the possible tsunami moving toward Hawaii, I realized that maybe Hawaii isn't as great as I thought it was. I have always thought it would be great to live somewhere like Hawaii. I would like to live right by the ocean and have warm weather all year long, but I don't know if I would be willing to have to worry about tsunamis, hurricanes, mudslides, earthquakes, and all of the other things that seem to plague all of the warm places near the ocean.

I'm not saying that this changes my opinion on Nebraska's weather. I still think Nebraska is a pile of crap when it comes to weather most of the year. I do enjoy spring and early summer here, but that doesn't make the winters or extremely humid summers worth it to me. I know that many people from other areas are deathly afraid of tornadoes, and are convinced that if they come to the Midwest they will die by being carried away by one, but that really doesn't scare me. I suppose that if I was forced to choose between a place like Nebraska where the weather is generally crappy but not enough to kill me, and somewhere near the coasts where the weather is nice but I might fall through a crack in the earth, get carried away by a wave, or lose my house to a mudslide, I would choose Nebraska.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...I guess I never thought Of Nebraska in that way...I just always figured our weather sucked worse than any other state. But now that I think about...other states have it way worse...
