Saturday, April 10, 2010

Go Away, Bieber!

I can remember my parents thinking that the music that I listened to when I was in middle and high school was strange, but I like to think that it was better than the stuff that adolescents are listening to now. I work with kids on a regular basis, and I hear them talk about the new songs that they like to listen to. Some of them are absolutely awful.

I fail to see how people can like Justin Bieber. I think he sounds like an 8 year-old with speech issues. I have never heard of another Canadian that talks like he grew up in inner-city Detroit. As soon as I heard him say shawty for the first time I knew he was going on my list of least favorite singers. My friend Katie was talking to me about him the other night, and brought up how complex his lyrics are . . . not. If you can repeat the word baby 1,000 times in a song and make it a hit, I guess young people really are dumber than I thought.

When I think about it, I guess I feel sorry for Justin Bieber. What is he going to do when he finally goes through puberty and loses his 8 year-old voice? He will have the same fate as groups like Hanson, who were no longer popular once they grew up. I can only hope this is what happens to Bieber. I guess there is one thing good about Justin Bieber . . . I really like watching people make fun of him, like they do in this video parody.


  1. What happens when he hits puberty? I know...he will be off the radio and gone just like Aaron Cater!

  2. In defense of Hanson, they still have quite a following and continue to produce albums and tour today. I might possibly follow them on Twitter. :)
