Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is my 22nd birthday. I am not a big birthday person, but it is nice to have one day when you are the center of attention. I do have to admit that I was excited to have a birthday that wasn't a major milestone. It seems like there are so many milestone years when you are growing up, but once you pass the 21 year mark there just isn't anything to celebrate. You then only have the birthdays that make you feel older and older to look forward to.

I had a lot of fun on my birthday last year, but this year its nice to just kick back and enter the boring stage of my 20s. I like that there is nothing special about this birthday. Being a twenty-something means that I am no longer a child, but I can still act like one from time to time. I have all of the perks of being an adult without having to be completely mature. I'm not sure if I will ever really be mature, but I don't know if thats really a bad thing. I think that people get so wrapped up in adult life that they forget about all of the things that they used to get joy out of as kids.

Aging brings with it aches and pains, but it also brings distance between who you currently are and who you once were. I think that we should hold on to who we used to be, even if it wasn't ideal. It is important to remember where we came from, because without the past there is no future. As I look back at my younger years I have no regrets, but I also have many things that I want to do in the future. Right now I think I will just kick back and enjoy being a lazy 22 college student for a while longer. Before I know it I will be celebrating my 30th birthday.

1 comment:

  1. I just turned 50. Birthdays are interesting in what they say to us.
